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Smart Cities for Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Transitions: Some options for India

Ehtisham Ahmad, Giorgio Brosio and Ruth Kattumuri

IOWP10, 2019

This paper focuses on property taxation. Its main messages are oriented to revamp its role in financing urban transition in India. In particular, we suggest that:

 Simple design matters, as does arms’ length administration and modern information management and transparent governance.

 Intergovernmental transfers, including both equalization and tied special purpose transfers need to be properly designed to provide incentives to use subnational revenue handles.
 Tax administration and institutions are to be designed to prevent rent‐seeking
 Also, linkages with national tax policy and administration framework have to be established.

URL: http://sticerd.lse.ac.uk/textonly/india/publications/working_papers/IOWP10-AhmadBrosioKattumuri.pdf

Courtesy: LSE